Monday, January 2, 2012


its 2012. whoa. I really can't believe it.

When I look back at 2011 I see pain, frustration, growing, the love of family and friends, little things that I love, God's strength and grace and my realization that this is my journey, my life that God has given me. I am called to serve and love Him right where I am.
I have met some of the most sweetest girls who have become friends through this blog and through twitter. Some of them are going through similar things as I am and we've been able to encourage and strengthen one another. I'm so thankful for them. they are amazing. 

Here's a little look back on 2011:

having one of the best twitter conversations late at night on birthday with the lovelies Kinsey and Sky.

We discovered I have several allergies/intolerance's and I officially became gluten free and nut free and all the other kinds of free.

I played my last season of soccer.

spent one of the best 2 weeks of my life with Sarahlynn.

really got serious about working out and taking charge. I lost 20+ lbs. my official goal wasn't to lose weight but to tone so i was surprised! I'll take it ;) 

discovered I really enjoy superhero movies  

Thor came out.

My mom went to India. {look out for photos!}

went to the amazing Make a Difference Tour

aspirations for 2012:

My only resolution is having deeper intimacy with Jesus. All other goals/resolutions flow from there. -Lecrae's twitter

to try my best to have a positive and fresh outlook on things. especially when it comes to my health. take more photos. to have more grace and patience. to love people unconditionally. enjoy the little things. make wise choices even in the small things. don't sweat the small things. practice healthy habits. give Christ my all.

{now i know all that is not going to happen over night and I will have days when i say "what in the world was I thinking? i can't do that. but they are aspirations--A hope or ambition of achieving something-- so I will live day to day. striving to do my best. and there will be some days when I am bummed about my health and such but that's when I remember these verses and drink lots of tea and watch Monk}

here's some things I'm looking forward to this year--

--the Avengers movie coming out in May!! so excited.
--Getting to see Sarahlynn and her family in the summer. CANNOT WAIT.
--the Dark Knight Rises coming out in the summer
--continuing to save up for a laptop 
--leap year

what are some of your goals? what are you looking forward to this year?? :]


  1. Sounds amazing. :)
    I know how it is to get to see your best friends- I have a best friend who lives 6 hours away- it is torture, but when we are together it is all worth it!
    And may I just say--- I CAN'T wait for the olympics! :)
    I can't believe it is time for them again.

  2. Happy New Year, Samarah! I loved the Max Lucado quote that you posted - that is my goal for this year as well.

    I pray that you'll have a fabulous 2012!!

    Love in Christ,


hey there! thank you so much for reading and commenting. seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥


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