Friday, July 15, 2011



hey all!! it seems like I've been away for ages! So sorry about that! A lot is going on right now, good and bad and life has been/is busy. I've really missed blogging and keep starting posts but never finish them. Either I just lose my train of thought or I get interrupted. ;) SO, all of that said. I have a A LOT of stuff to tell y'all but don't have time right now. I'm really hoping to catch you all up on life (a.k.a. a huge long post) this weekend but I'm not promising anything. but  hopefully this weekend or early next week :) Know that I've been thinking of my blogger buds :]

this is my theme song right now. it puts the feeling of my heart and soul into words. --

MUCH love!

p.s. thank you so much to my new followers! I'm not even blogging and people are following me! haha ;) thank you so much. i hope i inspire you♥


  1. I've DEFINITELY missed you, Samarah!!! Hope you get back soon!!! :)

  2. Sweet blog! :) I have been in the same boat up until a week or two ago so now I'm catching up on blogging.

  3. Hey Samarah! I stumbled across your blog, and so glad I did! Your faith is such an encouragement! And after reading your "about me page" I feel like we're kindred spirits. =D Have a wonderful, blessed day!


hey there! thank you so much for reading and commenting. seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥


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