Monday, February 21, 2011

catching up :] ♥

I'm taking a minute and sitting down and writing a blog post. I should be working on school but I'm missing blogging and you guys a lot! I will get school done though tonight ;] Most days, I'm hoping to get my school done during the day and then I can blog at night :)

Also, I've worked out 3 times since Wednesday! :) I'm not eating bread or a lot of dairy and trying to stick to gluten free foods. and I'm feeling great! I'm seeing the results of doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and I'm loving that! ;) I finally feel like I'm in control of my body and I'm not just eating anything and everything and going weeks without exercising. I'm quite proud of myself! If you are feeling bad about your body/health and you feel too tired and unmotivated to start eating healthy and exercising, here's my advice: just do it. its kinda simple. you don't have to go out of the house. do a dvd, run, walk, go to the gym or do sits ups and push ups in your bedroom. it doesn't have to be high intensity. do something. don't agonize over it and even if you feel like the time isn't right. just do it. you won't regret it ;)
over the past week around 10 more lovely people have pushed that follow button on my sidebar! sooo...

I am so blessed. I appreciate each and every one of you! A little over a year ago, one night I started a lil' blog called "samarah's sayings" and I never imagined that my blog would have 103 followers. I've loved "meeting" girls from all around the world and finding lots of soul sisters ;] You leave some pretty sweet comments too! Thank you so much! I pray that my blog would encourage and inspire you to embrace who you are in Christ :)
Thew new design is coming soon!!

So its pretty obvious that I'm a bit (ok like 6 days) behind on the 28 day challenge ;] I'm going to do days 16,17,18, & 19 and tomorrow I'll do days20, 21, & 22 :)

here goes....

Day 16- a song that makes you cry-

Ok I'm not really a person that cries during songs or movies etc. its rare that I do. but here's a song that makes me sad because its reality to some ladies.
Carrie Underwood- Just a Dream
you can listen to it on my playlist at the bottom of the page.

Day 17- An art piece-

hmm... this is a hard one. This is one is the only one I can think of right now. There might be another but oh well ;)
Open Hearts by Jane Seymour

Day 18- a time when you feel passionate and alive-

well this is a deep question :)
the time when I feel passionate and alive is when I'm a concert. Coming together with hundreds of other people praising and worshiping Christ straight from my soul. and just having a down right good and fun time :)


Day 19- a talent of yours-

I'm good with little kids. Like baby to 2 or 3 years old :) not that I don't like kids that are older but I do much better with littler chillens ;) I "work" with the 1 year olds (and also almost 1 year olds) in the nursery at my church. work meaning playing with them, helping them down the slide, reading books and doing puzzles. fun work! ;) The other ladies that work in the there say that I seem to know what I'm doing because I have lots of experience :) Other people have said that and I really appreciate it. I love lil' people.We watch a 7 month old and an almost 1 year old and I also babysit for some friends who have a 1 & half-ish y.o. and she is so funny and cute! aannnddd she is going to have a sister in the next few weeks! I'm so excited!! plus we live in the same neighborhood so thats even better! ;)
I think children are one of God's greatest blessings. Life is beautiful and kids remind me of that :)

My mom and I watched The Blind Side a few nights ago and it was really good.

its an amazing touching story and I want to read the book now :) they could of done without some of the language in the movie but I would give it 4 1/2 stars :) and SJ was so adorable and funny! :]

welp, that's all for now! I'm off to do some latin homework :/ I've got a headache and I'm praying that it goes away!
hope you are having a fabulous day! 

by the way, this is my anthem right now. post a bit about that in the near future!
much love,


  1. Good for you for taking control of your body by eating well and exercising! I love doing Jillian's Shred, but haven't for a couple weeks. I think I'll have to do that first thing tomorrow! :)

  2. (:
    Glad to have you back, dear friend!!!!!! Keep up the good word---I'm praying for y ou!!!!!

    Love always and forever,

  3. cool, I heard of the blind side in city on our knees book by toby mac. i guess its a real story, I don't watch movies that much...

    will have to though..

  4. Just a dream by mrs.carrie underwood kind of makes me sad too ;) thats why i don't listen to if often :)

    The Blind Side is a good movie : ) I haven't watched it in a while but it is really good ;)

  5. Wow...I really need to start boosting up my health like your doing right now...guess I should get to it instead of just saying I should, huh?;) Yay!!! I'm proud to be one of your "103" follo- er uh, actually there is 104 now!:))
    Have a happy week, Samarah!
    God bless!

  6. Hey! Congrats on the followers!!! You're a beautiful and bright person so I can fully understand why so many are drawn to your blog. I'm not on here often so I feel like I'm missing so much...

    I'll talk with you soon though♥

  7. Great job for working out! That is really great! I have started walking, and pushing my little sister in the jogger, for 45 min. and I feel so good afterwards! I agree-- It is good just to do it!

    Have a great day~ And congratulations for having 103 followers!


  8. Heather- thanks for following me! :) yes do the 30 day shred! its so good!

    Lily- thank you so much girly! ♥

    Rachael- Yes, its a true story. I highly recommend the movie. Its really good although like I said, there's some language and 1 or 2 other scenes that weren't exactly bad just ehh. But nothing too over the top, definitely a great movie! :]

    Samantha- yeah I don't listen to it very often either :)

    Mary- thanks !I'm praying for you! ♥

    Yazzie- hi! thank you for sweet words! Yes, I'm missing you in the blogging world but I'm loving writing you :)

    Lydia- yep, just do it! :) proud of ya girl! :)

    much love♥


hey there! thank you so much for reading and commenting. seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥


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